An Honest Look at Calvinism - What is it Exactly?
Calvinism, in a nut shell, teaches that God chooses, Himself, who is going to end up in Heaven, and who will end up in Hell. This is not to say He does this separating at the time of judgment day, no, Calvinism teaches He has selected this even prior to any man being born. They justify this with their T.U.L.I.P. principle, which I will elaborate on later. What the Calvinist stands in opposition to, is man's 'free will' to choose whether they follow Jesus, and therefore, by faith, enter into Heaven, or follow Satan (the ways of the world) and choose Hell. While I am certain the words "free will" together do not appear in any translation of the Bible, all through the scriptures the context of free will of man is clearly shown, and taught. From the very beginning of mankind, Adam and Eve were given a choice; Genesis 2:16 "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:17 But of the tree of the knowledge ...