
Showing posts from September, 2017

Signs of the Times

It's September 8, 2017, and after waking up this morning, I poured myself a cup of coffee, sat down to check on the progress of hurricane Irma, that's looking to have a it's bulls eye on Florida, and I see that Mexico just had a +8 magnitude earthquake! And all this on the heels of hurricane Harvey, who dumped unprecedented, never before seen rain on Texas and inundated a major US city. Irma, so far, is shaping up to be the worst hurricane to EVER hit these United States and is almost twice the size in area that hurricane Andrew was in 1992, which currently holds the title as the worst, but is soon to be outdone. Not only is Irma about to make landfall here, but there are two more storms forming, Katia and Jose, one in the gulf, and one following behind Irma. It almost seems surreal. But, we as believers, should not be taken by surprise, nor, should we be in a panic over this situation. Certainly concern, prayers, and any effort we can muster, to help those affected by