Signs of the Times

It's September 8, 2017, and after waking up this morning, I poured myself a cup of coffee, sat down to check on the progress of hurricane Irma, that's looking to have a it's bulls eye on Florida, and I see that Mexico just had a +8 magnitude earthquake! And all this on the heels of hurricane Harvey, who dumped unprecedented, never before seen rain on Texas and inundated a major US city.

Irma, so far, is shaping up to be the worst hurricane to EVER hit these United States and is almost twice the size in area that hurricane Andrew was in 1992, which currently holds the title as the worst, but is soon to be outdone. Not only is Irma about to make landfall here, but there are two more storms forming, Katia and Jose, one in the gulf, and one following behind Irma.

It almost seems surreal. But, we as believers, should not be taken by surprise, nor, should we be in a panic over this situation. Certainly concern, prayers, and any effort we can muster, to help those affected by these intense and unrelenting storms and natural disasters, should be our first steps. Next, it is imperative that we seek understanding of these times if we are believers, or search our hearts and minds, and seek after truth, if we are attempting to walk this life outside of faith in Jesus Christ.

Let me first say, as to not fall in the category of 'end of the world alarmist' or 'doomsday alarmist', that these storms we see ARE NOT God's judgment on mankind, America, or sin. Oh yes, in Revelations chapters 13 through 18, there WILL BE storms and plagues of God's angelic judgments on mankind, and if we think Irma is bad, the Bible tells us that God's judgments will be much, much worse. These days are not yet.

According to the Apostle Luke, and what the Holy Spirit inspired him to write in regard to these times we are in right now, it would behoove us to study and understand what he was saying in Luke 21:

25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 

Let me first state, that Jesus' words recorded both here, and also in Matthew chapter 24, were, at the time spoken addressed directly to the Jew, and, as the Bible often does, it is ALSO a direct message of warning to the Jew today, NOT the Church (I will explain later). Most prophetic scholars, and eschatological studiers (end time studiers), know this to be true. Now, I am a Gentile believer by definition of Biblical terminology, I'm not Jewish. However, because Jesus gave this warning to the Jew (a non-believer who does not accept Jesus as Messiah), does not mean I cannot read, understand and adhere to that warning, at least the part, as shown above, where I will still be here. I understand that, by faith, I have been 'grafted in' (Romans 11), but that does not 'make' me Jewish, nor am I of the natural blood line that is required to complete the 70 week prophesy of Daniel (one week=7 years) given to Israel (again, the non-Messianic Jewish person) "to finish the transgression and make an end of sins" (Daniel 9:24). This will happen in the final week, during the Anti-Christ 7 year reign, first a reign of peace (3.5yrs for those who take the 'mark' but suffering for those who do not), then a reign of terror (3.5yrs turns on the false 'church' and destroys it) along with God's wrath of judgments, and then the final defeat of the Anti-Christ at the second coming, or return of Jesus WITH His Saints. That is whats known as the great Apocalypse, not these times, not now, not at the door, and not before the 'taking away of the Saints', better known as the rapture of the Church.
It should be noted, that this believer understands that the Church HAS NOT replaced Israel, they remain Gods chosen race, and have a place in the end times. Those Jews that have accepted Jesus as Messiah, are my brothers and part of the Church, and we will both be taken up, if we are alive and remain at that time.

Which leads me to the Churches role today, and the hope we have in the coming 'taking away of the Saints'.

Romans 15:4 "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope."

1Thessalonians 4:16  "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

So, we have this promise, our hope is not that we will have to endure God's wrath to come, but that we will be taken to be with the Lord, whom we serve. However, nowhere in Scripture does it state Christians, true believers would never suffer, or have to endure storms and persecutions. I think there is plenty of history to show the true Christian has suffered tremendously, and even at the hands of the falsely recognized 'Church'.

So what is the role of the Church? Lay back and say "Hey, I'm all set, I have an escape, no worries for me! Too bad for all you non-believers!" NO. We are to be salt, and light, a witness for the Gospel, and recognize there are millions of people in this world, and in our 'little part of the world' hundreds that are lost, and have rejected, or not understood the salvation message of the Bible, and do not view Jesus as 'the only way' and have Christ as their Lord and Savior. Without this faith, their sins will remain on them, and they will not be part of that hope, and miss the 'taking away of the Saints' to be with Jesus. They will be 'left behind' to endure the ungodly reign of the Anti-Christ and be martyred, or, if they follow that false 'religious' leader (and Jesus warned us, that even the elect would be lead astray, Mt.24:24, do you see yourself as greater than even the elect?), they will be judged in the poured out wrath of God on mankind.

We should be shouting out on the rooftops not only "Jesus loves you!" but "REPENT, for the coming kingdom is at hand!" These are the words John the Baptist spoke to the Jew as he was preparing the way for the first coming of the Messiah to Israel. We all know how well Israel heeded that warning, and call, they had their Messiah crucified, and thus the Church of the Gentile was born.

We are that Church, as believers and followers of Jesus, will we now not hear that same call as John the Baptist had, and warn the Church, and the non-believer, of the next sure coming and judgment of God?
And in the same way, as is the purpose, and hope of this blog, to give comfort and encouragement to those who have chosen the right way, and do have Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

May God Bless you, and may His Word go deep into your heart.

My genuine love.

Mark Palladino


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