For Those Left Behind

This article was written for a future event. Please feel free to download, copy or print the content and use it for your loved ones who may be rejecting the Lord, or walking in the ways of the world rather than after Jesus Christ, and could potentially miss the Rapture. This is more of an abbreviated explanation of the full truth of what is to come, however, there are Bible references and some very important facts shared, so a proper decision to accept and follow Jesus can be made in those hard and very confusing times.

We have been taken up to be with the Lord, just as the Bible foretold. 

We tried as best we could to warn you all that this was the truth and not a 'fairy tale', and that it was going to happen someday, well, that day has passed, but it's not necessarily over for you if you believe. Please read carefully what we are about to tell you, which also comes from the Bible, and know that we are not making this up, we hope you understand that now and can trust what we are telling you is the truth.

Millions of people have simply vanished, you are seeing this on the news, and likely by now, there are all kinds of explanations out there as to what just happened. Alien abductions, God himself got rid of the "troublemakers" from the Earth, and other conspiratorial theories, but the truth is that the 'taking up of the Saints' (Rapture), spoken of in the Bible, has just occurred. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-9, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, Mark 13:32-37, Matthew 24:36-51.

In the ensuing chaos, which we are certain is happening right now, a prominent public figure will rise up by showing supernatural signs and wonders (Rev. 13:1-10, the first beast), and speak of calm, financial stability, and peace through world unity. This person will also have a powerful witness, a worldly well known religious figurehead (like the Pope?) who will usher him in (Rev. 13:11-14, the second beast) also showing signs and wonders and encouraging all people to worship this man. This person, the first beast, is the Anti-Christ (Rev.13:15-18). Do not follow him in any way, do not even listen to his words or those of his followers, as God has warned us that he will convince many with his signs and wonders that even the very elect (notable religious figures) will be deceived. Matthew 24:24, Revelation 13

Another prophecy of significance you should be aware of, if not already, is the building of the Jewish 3rd Temple in the City of Jerusalem. We are not certain when the building of this will begin, it may even start before the Rapture takes place, but its presence in Jerusalem is very important for you to know. One thing is for certain, it WILL be built, and the ancient Jewish animal sacrifices will begin again. This also is a prophecy in the Bible you are seeing/seen fulfilled. Daniel 9:27(1 week = 7 years), Amos 9:11, Isaiah 2:2-3.

The Anti-Christ will convince the Jewish religious leaders (false teachers that have still not accepted Jesus as their Messiah) that he (the Anti-Christ) is for them and sent by God. He will likely commission or establish their use of the new Temple. This is all a smoke screen, he will become the physical embodiment of Satan himself on this Earth (Revelations 13:4), and 3 1/2 years into the 7-year reign of this Anti-Christ, he will turn on the Jew, stop the Temple sacrifices, set up a statue of himself in the Holy Place (which will actually talk, you will likely see this on the news Rev 13:15) and force them to worship him, take his mark or be killed (his number is 666, Rev 13:18). This will also be forced upon all the Gentiles (You) that were left behind after the Rapture as well. Do not follow this man, worship him, or take his mark on your forehead or right hand. You will not be able to buy sell or trade without his mark and allegiance to him. Rev 13:17 This will be a very rough time, and you might even starve to death, or more likely be executed, but this is the time to pledge your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and allegiance to him alone. He may protect you to witness to others, or you may have to be killed in faith as a witness, either way, the choice to choose him will be yours once again, do not neglect it this time!! Once you take that mark, pledging your allegiance to the Anti-Christ, you are forever condemned to follow Satan's final punishment, Hell. There will be no turning back at that point. Revelation 14:9-11, 19:20, 20:4

There will also be 2 witnesses that will be sent from God who will prophesy against the workings of the Anti-Christ for 1260 days (3 1/2 years). They too will have supernatural powers and will send many supernatural plagues on mankind because of their sin of rejecting Jesus. What they speak of will agree with the Bible, so grab one of the many Bibles in our house and start reading! Find people who are searching to find the truth and trying to escape the plagues and/or the entrapment of the Anti-Christ, and share this with them too. Their plagues may also harm or kill you, you are not Jewish, and not sealed, so turn to Jesus before it's too late!  The world will hate them because they will make life miserable, and speak of the things of God and against this new leader of this (false)peace. They will be seen as 'party poopers', do not go along with this either, and do not ignore their message. 
Nobody will be able to stop or harm them until God allows the Anti-Christ to defeat and kill them. Their dead bodies will be left on the street for 3 1/2 days and the Bible tells us the whole world will rejoice of their death (they will try to use this as a way to show the Anti-Christ is given power from God, but it's just another lie). With the technology of today, it's easy to see how this can happen, and you are seeing it. Do not join in the celebration of their death. After 3 1/2 days, they will spring right back up to life, and people will see them be taken up into Heaven (the REAL power of GOD). This is not a good time for you to still be alive because now God's wrath will be poured out upon man even more. Please, don't be convinced that this is a fairy tale, you are seeing these things happen, believe what the Word of God has always told us, and find faith in Jesus, who cares if it costs your life! We will be there to welcome you home, we promise. Revelation 11:3-13

There are Saints (who became believers and followers of Jesus) that will come out of the people who were left behind after the Rapture (this can be you!). Most will be killed (martyred) however, pay attention to who and what you see out there. (Rev 20:4) God has sealed a remnant of Jewish young males that will instantly recognize that Jesus was the Messiah, and will preach repentance and also warning on the streets and around the world of what is about to take place (God's judgment on mankind, the Great Tribulation). There will be 144.000 of them, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel (these are the 'elect' during this time). Considering the world's present population, that is a very small number of men preaching the truth, so do your best to seek them out (internet, news, etc.). Be careful not to confuse them with the Temple priests and Jews who are following after the Anti-Christ. These witnesses will not be in agreement with him/them, (they will be preaching faith in Jesus) and they have been sealed by God to protect them from the Anti-Christ/world harming them, and also God's wrath being poured out on all men. Revelation 14:1-7

Under the final judgment of God, much of the Earth will get burned up and destroyed (it won't be from global warming!), and many people will die. There will be no safe place to hide, mountains will be laid low, stars will fall from the heavens, waters will become poison, and death will be all around, everywhere. You do not want to be alive during this time! Revelation 16
Jesus himself said: "Unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be left alive, however for the elect's sake, they will be shortened." (PS-you are not one of the elect spoken of here) Matthew 24:22

Because you refused to believe before now, which would have been a much better choice because nobody knows how hard it will be to find faith when God's Church/Spirit is gone. Immediately after you have discovered what we were trying to warn you all about has actually happened, REPENT! Now! Do not wait for a little longer to see if what we're saying here is all going to happen, it will all happen just as sure as we are not here to tell you this right now! You may not be given time to finally repent, so do it now while you still have breath. 

Please see this as God's mercy giving you one more chance to believe!

Read the Gospel of John and all of Revelation and take them to heart. Ask the Lord into your heart, repent of your sins and your rejection of Him, and he may send someone to help you understand even more than what I have explained as you read his Word. You will need courage and strength to stand against what is coming at the hands of man, ruled by Satan. Continue to seek after the Lord in prayer and believe in his promises until your time comes to an end.

We so desire to see you come through those gates, please, for your own sake, choose well!


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