
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Blessed Resurrection

Well, here it is, Resurrection Day, 2018, known by most as 'Easter'. Though the term 'Easter' has it's roots in Paganism, and really has nothing to do with Christ rising from the grave and establishing His Church here on Earth, which was, and is, the instrument He uses to bring all willing men to salvation. Remember, WE, the born again, blood washed, baptized in the name of Jesus Christ saints, are His Church. We are not a building made of wood, mortar and brick. For my blog about the history of the "Easter" season  Click Here . So, this article is not about the Resurrection of Jesus almost 2000 years ago, though it is an extremely important subject to believe, accept, study and ponder, rather, the topic of importance today is the soon Resurrection of the full body of the Church, both those that have died in Christ, and those that remain alive at the Lord's trumpet call. The dead shall rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17), they will be reunited with