The Blessed Resurrection

Well, here it is, Resurrection Day, 2018, known by most as 'Easter'. Though the term 'Easter' has it's roots in Paganism, and really has nothing to do with Christ rising from the grave and establishing His Church here on Earth, which was, and is, the instrument He uses to bring all willing men to salvation. Remember, WE, the born again, blood washed, baptized in the name of Jesus Christ saints, are His Church. We are not a building made of wood, mortar and brick.
For my blog about the history of the "Easter" season Click Here.

So, this article is not about the Resurrection of Jesus almost 2000 years ago, though it is an extremely important subject to believe, accept, study and ponder, rather, the topic of importance today is the soon Resurrection of the full body of the Church, both those that have died in Christ, and those that remain alive at the Lord's trumpet call. The dead shall rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17), they will be reunited with their heavenly spirits (2 Corinthians 5:3 / 1 John 3:2) and given new, glorified bodies. Then the living saints will be taken up, both body and spirit to have their bodies transformed, and they too will be given a glorified body.
Together we will enter, with Jesus, into what is known as 'the marriage supper of the Lamb' (Revelation 19:9).

Why is this crucial for today? Well, the Bible is also very clear that not ALL will be taken up to join in this marriage supper, many will be left behind at this trumpet call (Matthew 24:37-46) to face the 7 year tribulation period (Revelations 13). This will start off the first half with a seemingly peaceful (yet heretical) reign of the Anti-Christ. Before the anti-Christ is introduced on the scene, God will seal 144,000 male, virgin men of the 12 tribes of Israel who will accept that Jesus was Messiah, and will take the place of the removed Church, and preach salvation through Christ. Those who have previously heard, and rejected the Gospel, or not followed Jesus, Jew and Gentile alike, will have a second chance to accept Him, but it will cost them their lives. This is because, mid-way through the last half the Anti-Christ will set his image up in God's 3rd and final Temple, and will obtain almost complete domination of the world (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 / Daniel 7:25 / Revelations 13:5). All will be forced to take his mark or face beheading/death. You will not be able to buy, trade or sell without this mark, as he will control the entire world markets, religions and governments (Revelation 13:16-17). The only ones he will not be able to easily control or defeat are those who have been set aside, and sealed, the 144,000 Jewish men (Revelation 7) that will be the only preachers left on this planet. Remember, the Church won't be here, it was taken away.

It is at this time, when the Anti-Christ is in full power, that God will pour out His judgments on mankind. These are not just the typical famines, earthquakes and pestilences mankind has had to endure over the years as a result of the fallen man and world, no, these judgments will be the true judgments of a righteous God, on what is left on this earth, a wicked, and lost generation of people. Though it is not clearly stated, and must be inferred by God's power in the sealing by the Holy Spirit, it is likely the only believers left standing, who would somehow be shielded from these judgments poured out on mankind, will be among the 144,00 sealed in the beginning of the great tribulation period. This we know because at Christs second coming, when all the world shall see him at one time returning WITH His Church, to defeat the anti-Christ and his armies, and rescue the remaining men of faith left alive at that time (Revelation 19).

This tribulation period should not be taken lightly. This is not going to be an easy time for ANYONE. Even Jesus warns us in His Word in Matthew 24:22 "And unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days shall be cut short."
Don't be fooled, the elect He is speaking of here is NOT His Church, we will be returning with Him as mentioned above. These are the Saints of the great tribulation, and Revelations 7:9 clearly states these people of many nations, peoples, and tongues 'lost their lives' during this time period, and suffered greatly. You don't want to be there.

In conclusion, This Resurrection Day, are you just going to go to Church and hear a message of "He has Risen!" and then neglect the hard facts that He is coming back, at any time now, to gather his Church, and deliver to us that blessed hope that Paul so adamantly taught us about in writings?

 Please take the time to review these scriptures, and have a blessed 'Day of the Lord'!

Titus 2:13
Romans 8:22-23
1 Corinthians 15:51-58
Philippians 3:20-21
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
1 John 3:2-3


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