Natural Warnings
This is not normal for me, I do not dream sensical dreams often, nor do I really remember them, but last night I dreamt that I was in a house, you know how dreams are~it was our house but it wasn't~anyway, a big storm came up and I saw insulation from the attic hanging down the outside of our windows. I went outside and there was complete destruction of the entire town all around us. Businesses and houses leveled, total devastation.
I wake up this morning and having coffee, I read the news.
I saw in my dream what happened last night, and the pictures of Mayfield Kentucky looked eerily familiar.
Of course I do not live in Kentucky, nor do I remember any more of that dream. It's very sad what happened there and tragic the loss of life, which we don't even know the extent of it yet.
My prayers and concern go out to all the people, families and businesses affected by this devastating extreme natural disaster.
As far as the dream goes, I'm just believing that as God said in his Word, we will have dreams (Acts 2:17- I guess I'm old!), we will see things as they start to get worse, these will mark the times when Jesus wants his followers to get out the warnings that the time is short. These things are only signs that the time of the end of days is fast approaching. However, these are not the judgements of God on man, these are what Jesus referred to as 'the beginning of sorrows' in Matthew 24:7-8. We can expect to see ever increasing intensity and frequency of these intense natural events, but again, please do not get me wrong, these are not judgements from God, but he has fairly warned us these were coming none the less.
I know this sounds contradictory, but hear me out. God has said in his Word (Matthew/Revelations) that there is a coming judgement on mankind, and this judgement will involve not only natural type disasters, but also supernatural or unusual types of devastation (Matthew 24:21/Revelations 16). This will occur during the Great Tribulation period, and that will not happen until after the Church (followers of Jesus Christ) are removed from the Earth (event known as the Rapture 1Thes4:15-18) and the Anti-Christ is revealed and made supreme ruler of the 'New(One) World Order'(Revelations 13). Obviously these two things have not happened yet, so this and any future disasters prior to these, are not the judgements of God, however, they serve as his warnings.
These disasters will be mostly naturally occurring, however, that does not mean that they haven't been intensified/manipulated by mans involvement. Whether you believe it to be because of mans affects on climate changes through industrialization /pollution, or you believe that theory to only be a cover up for man's intentional technological manipulations of these naturally occurring systems, doesn't really matter, because God foresaw these times coming, and has warned us about them. Now, I am warning you by showing you what HE said.
I believe that last night God showed me that dream, and that is why I am writing this, and sharing it. It's up to you to take heed, and I have nothing to gain from it, nor do I seek recognition or approval of what I am saying.
God has already ordained Jesus Christ as Lord, and he is the one I point you to though his Word. I seek no recognition of myself, I do not see myself as a 'seer' or a prophet, and consider myself unworthy of God sharing this dream with me, especially if you knew the foolishness of things I usually dream about, if I end up recalling them.
I pray you just take it for what it is, as I am, a warning.
God Bless.
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