
From Between the Two Cherubim

  "There I will meet with you, and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are on the ark of the testimony, I will speak with you about all that I will give you in commandment for the people of Israel." Exodus 25:22 The Lord commissioned Moses to build him a tent sanctuary (or Tabernacle) where he may dwell in Israel's midst starting in verse 8 of Exodus 25. Moses was to have the children of Israel make it to the exact specifications and dimensions the Lord instructed, including all the furniture and accouterments. The ark would be the first piece the Lord describes to Moses how it should be constructed and its purpose which we see above in verse 22. It is referred to as 'the ark of testimony' because inside it would be placed God's first divinely carved stone covenant with Israel, the laws he gave Moses, what we know as 'The Ten Commandments'. He continues instructing Moses how the Tabernacle would be built, covered, and decorate

The End Times, According to the Gospel

  I was raised in Roman Catholicism. I remember a mantra that was always part of the liturgy of their mass that would be repeated, especially around Easter time, it went like this; 'Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again'. They even sang it during the 'high' mass. This they call the 'Mystery of Faith' and is the summation of their "gospel" message. While the statement is all truth about faith in Jesus Christ, it is lacking in the fullness of the gospel message, and actually leaves out a very important part.  While no one of the Faith can argue that 'Christ has died'- of course meaning Jesus died at the cross for our sins- this is well understood and believed by the saved. And, no one of the Faith would argue either that 'Christ has risen'- meaning Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd day and made the way for our salvation, also believed by the faithful. But the final part of the mantra 'Christ will come again'

Natural Warnings

This is not normal for me, I do not dream sensical dreams often, nor do I really remember them, but last night I dreamt that I was in a house, you know how dreams are~it was our house but it wasn't~anyway, a big storm came up and I saw insulation from the attic hanging down the outside of our windows. I went outside and there was complete destruction of the entire town all around us. Businesses and houses leveled, total devastation. I wake up this morning and having coffee, I read the news. I saw in my dream what happened last night, and the pictures of Mayfield Kentucky looked eerily familiar. Of course I do not live in Kentucky, nor do I remember any more of that dream. It's very sad what happened there and tragic the loss of life, which we don't even know the extent of it yet. My prayers and concern go out to all the people, families and businesses affected by this devastating extreme natural disaster. As far as the dream goes, I'm just believing that as God said in

For Those Left Behind

This article was written for a future event. Please feel free to download, copy or print the content and use it for your loved ones who may be rejecting the Lord, or walking in the ways of the world rather than after Jesus Christ, and could potentially miss the Rapture. This is more of an abbreviated explanation of the full truth of what is to come, however, there are Bible references and some very important facts shared, so a proper decision to accept and follow Jesus can be made in those hard and very confusing times. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have been taken up to be with the Lord, just as the Bible foretold.  We tried as best we could to warn you all that this was the truth and not a 'fairy tale', and that it was going to happen someday, well, that day has passed, but it's not necessarily over for you if you believe. Please read carefully what we are about to tell you, which also comes from the Bible, and know that we

An Honest Look at Calvinism - What is it Exactly?

   Calvinism, in a nut shell, teaches that God chooses, Himself, who is going to end up in Heaven, and who will end up in Hell. This is not to say He does this separating at the time of judgment day, no, Calvinism teaches He has selected this even prior to any man being born. They justify this with their T.U.L.I.P. principle, which I will elaborate on later.    What the Calvinist stands in opposition to, is man's 'free will' to choose whether they follow Jesus, and therefore, by faith, enter into Heaven, or follow Satan (the ways of the world) and choose Hell. While I am certain the words "free will" together do not appear in any translation of the Bible, all through the scriptures the context of free will of man is clearly shown, and taught. From the very beginning of mankind, Adam and Eve were given a choice; Genesis 2:16 "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:17 But of the tree of the knowledge

The Blessed Resurrection

Well, here it is, Resurrection Day, 2018, known by most as 'Easter'. Though the term 'Easter' has it's roots in Paganism, and really has nothing to do with Christ rising from the grave and establishing His Church here on Earth, which was, and is, the instrument He uses to bring all willing men to salvation. Remember, WE, the born again, blood washed, baptized in the name of Jesus Christ saints, are His Church. We are not a building made of wood, mortar and brick. For my blog about the history of the "Easter" season  Click Here . So, this article is not about the Resurrection of Jesus almost 2000 years ago, though it is an extremely important subject to believe, accept, study and ponder, rather, the topic of importance today is the soon Resurrection of the full body of the Church, both those that have died in Christ, and those that remain alive at the Lord's trumpet call. The dead shall rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17), they will be reunited with

Billy Graham.

I am sure, pretty much anyone who is alive today, either knows who Billy Graham was, or has heard of his recent passing away. Certainly, he was a man with world wide recognition, and shared a great message of hope for the world. There are probably no countries that exist in the world today, where Billy Graham has not had some sort of impact on their citizens, in one way or another. His mission was world-wide, I do not think anyone can doubt that statement. With such a world-wide influence of the ministry of Billy Graham, there are always going to be the groups of supporters, and also groups of opponents of it. Certainly, when we preach the Gospel, we end up having our own 'crosses' to bear, and Christ warned us of this fact. However, the opponents of our faith, and teachings, according to the Scriptures, should be those from outside the faith, those of a different 'Religion' or more specifically, those of  'this World'. The purpose of this article is to poi